1:1 Private Sessions Package (3 Pack)
Yoga students, teachers, athletes, whomever, who need individual, hands on focus from a career pro who has done private 1:1 work for over 15 years.
Yoga students, teachers, athletes, whomever, who need individual, hands on focus from a career pro who has done private 1:1 work for over 15 years.
Yoga students, teachers, athletes, whomever, who need individual, hands on focus from a career pro who has done private 1:1 work for over 15 years.
This is a successful, prescriptive and highly customized approach to your needs - hands on for whatever issue or opportunity you chose to bring to your sessions.
No two bodies are alike. That's why at TUNE it's about individual functionality, therapeutics, human performance and authenticity. A private practice should be prescriptive and catered to your needs, such as rehabbing an injury, managing chronic pain, or improving athletic performance.
So many possible objectives from learning yoga basics or coming back to your practice, improving athletic performance, unearthing alignment questions on poses and proper form, rehabbing an injury, or even mastering a more advanced peak posture.
On your bike on an indoor trainer, let's analyze your form, posture, cadence, and overall technique and then off the mat identify weak or tight spots curtailing best performance. TUNE has done this for years very successfully with clients around the US.
In a training plan or class, or lifting weights and struggling with technique or even pain? Let's hop on Zoom and let TUNE assess your form and technique and offer very clear, prescriptive and individualized input on contraindications and strong recommendations on what's best for progress within your unique anatomical nuances and fitness goals.
Package - either online or in person - includes 3 x 60 minute sessions.
Slight price variation based on Zoom vs in person.
The Zoom sessions are very effective - they are recorded in gallery view, with recording sent immediately afteward with session notes - a great resource.
Recommended weekly or bi-weekly cadence; all 3 sessions ideally scheduled upon registration to establish schedule and objectives.
Sessions will be scheduled after purchase and MUST completed within 60 days.
Intake form with some history and your objectives for these sessions, as well as a signed waiver required upon registration; sent prior to first session.